Various Artists

Hey u! beautiful people June, July 2013
Online Mag June, July 2013

ThiS Month'S FaB ArtisT is SingeR, MusiciaN & SonG Writer 
LittlE ShashE G

 WatcH OuT FoR ThE BesT Of 

      LittlE ShashE G

ShashE G, HeR band, HeR
RecordingS & GigS
View 85150001.JPG in slide show
ShashE G RecordS WitH HeR BanD When ShE iS In ThE MooD                                                                                           Shashe G with Bro James, Ronnie Drayton, Brian Jackson & Ron Murphy>>>>>

Shashe's RecordingS

LittlE ShashE In ThE RecordinG StudiO WitH HeR BanD
KeeP WatchinG 4 Shashe's BanD & GigS   
                                                                                ShaShe' S GigS WitH HeR BanD



AlLAbout LittlE ShashE G

Little Shashe G aka Sharon E. Golob is a singer songwriter who has had the joy and honour of recording her music with some of the world’s top contemporary instrumentalists.
She has been described variously as ‘beyond Erica Badu’ and ‘our Nina Simone’.
Her recordings are full of conscious lyrics, pulsating reggae roots rhythms and exciting instrumental arrangements.
A new EP with fresh lovers rock tunes is due to be released on the Lion & Dove label in September. It features wonderful guitarists Ronnie Drayton (Nona Hendrix) and Gus Isidore (Seal), as well as a great backline of bassist Barry Dread Nelson, drummer Carl Benjamin and keyboardist Clevie, all of the Subajah Family, and her long time co-producer and percussionist Brother James Trinidad.
  <<    Shashe's CD cover
Previous tracks will be on the new EP but you hear them now on or People of the World features the musical genius of Brian Jackson (Gil Scott Heron) on flute and keyboard. Jah Warriors of Love has rock guitarist Kevin Armstrong (Bowie) and super drummer Trevor Murrell ( Sade, Al Jarreau ) as well as Brother James’s exotic and inspirational arrangements.
Fulfill My Every Need is solely arranged and performed by Shashe, and was featured in Chris Gaughran’s short movie, The Winning Ticket. (2011)

                            Shashe @her gigS>>
Occasionally Shashe is found performing around London Town very unplugged and sometimes solo. A video of solo performance at Ireland’s Electric Picnic is on Myspace and Youtube.
Watch out  for Shashe on Facebook for more information and upcoming gigs.

                ShashE OuT & AbouT        

ShashE the Cultural GaL
See ShaShe in Art Gallries, Museums, Cathedrals Etc


Little ShashE ThE GoGo GaL

LittlE ShashE & HeR FuN MomentS

ShashE is ThE FuN LovinG  GoGo GaL AbouT TowN iN HeR SparE TimE
ShE LoveS MeetinG HeR PalS & HavinG Gr8 TimE

Don' T MisS HeR TrendY FunkY Hair StyleS

Shashe' s the gal about town, enjoys other muisicians & singer' s gigs too

LittlE ShashE G ChillinG AfteR  HeR RendeZVouS AbouT TowN

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